I saw this meme going around so I fixed it
I know that there are ideas in Chinese thought about what kinds of sexuality or sexual abstinence are good and laudable, but also I know it's very easy for me (a westerner) to project my own ideas of ~~~purity~~~ onto another culture. Does anyone have any sources that explain these ideas in the classical era, or the history behind them? Feel free to reblog this, if you think your list might know.
back in the 90s, stacey lindburg taught me that when deleting from the prod db to always write the statement as a select first then edit it to be a delete after auditing it.
this advice has saved my ass at least once a year since.
Are you #trans and taking #HRT? How did it affect your #EmotionalRange? (Please boost for larger dataset.)
There is a certain conventional wisdom, especially insofar as feminizing HRT is concerned, but it would be nice to have some data.
For this poll, please answer only if you have been taking HRT for at least 2 month at a full dose (microdosing doesn’t count). It doesn’t matter whether you are #binarytrans or #nonbinary.
Feminizing HRT means taking Estrogen either via high-dose monotherapy or with a testosterone blocker.
Masculinizing HRT means taking Testosterone.
Emotional range refers to how strong you feel emotions: A wide emotional range means that you cry easily and experience joy strongly, whereas a narrow emotional range means that emotions feel somewhat dull.
More explanation in comments, especially if the answer is more complicated are of course very welcome.
#transgender #transfem #transmasc #transition #medicalTransition #DiyHrt #OpenHRT #enby #poll
Feminizing HRT: Emotional Range narrowed 1% (6 votes)
Feminizing HRT: Emotional Range about the same 15% (64 votes)
Feminizing HRT: Emotional Range widened 71% (295 votes)
Masculinizing HRT: Emotional Range narrowed 2% (10 votes)
Masculinizing HRT: Emotional Range about the same 5% (24 votes)
Masculinizing HRT: Emotional Range widened 3% (16 votes)
Our final resident for the year, Shanice Martin, will be in town with us for the last week of June - and she has a pretty specific research interest that is not the particular specialty of anyone in the lab: subtitling/closed captioning and specifically fansubbing, more specifically early fansubbing.
If anyone has resources they can point us to, or would be willing to talk to Shanice once she is in the lab, please let us know!
Open Database of Design Salaries: a list of salaries of designer, across industries, experience level and geographic location.
There’s less data outside of North America, so people, they need you to participate!
I went to the aquarium today and there was a guy in a wetsuit pushing a penguin around on a box, back and forth through the water
someone asked why and he says, "yeah, she kinda just really likes riding on the box"
I'm still not over it y'all
"But other parsers know too much about HTML. They choke on or try to rewrite bad markup. They assume you care about the whole document. A pirate might make you walk the plank, but only a parser would make you walk the whole tree."
Happy 20th birthday to the #Python screen-scraping library Beautiful Soup by @leonardr .
Hari-Kuyō, the Festival of Broken Needles, is celebrated by women in Japan as a memorial to all the sewing needles broken in their service in the past year. I think we should also celebrate Sofuto-Kuyō in memory of the lines of code we rewrote, the classes we refactored, and the packages we replaced with newer versions. They too served; it may only have been for a while, but that is all any of us can hope for.
I keep thinking of this cursed resistor pride flag I found quite a while ago
For my birthday, I'd really like it if my beloved fedi could spread word far and wide of Kitsune Tails. It's a platformer with a heartwarming story featuring queer main characters and personal discoveries in classic SMB3 style. You can find trailer, screenshots, and wishlist links here: https://kitsunegames.com/kitsunetails
It's coming out this year and the team and I have been working hard on it for several years now. Most of the team is queer in some form so by boosting you'd not only be making me happy on my birthday, but supporting a bunch of queer creators making queer art as well
@yhancik @darius The old thinking was that you should be rotating your gender every 90 days for security reasons but that’s proven to be an ineffective approach. Modern best practices are to use a unique and complex gender for every interaction, to avoid repetition and store them in a secure gender manager. This makes it easier to change genders when one relationship is compromised, and protects you against gender-stuffing attacks.
Here's a weird question: so Dynix made a text-based library catalog system that used Wyse terminals, and they shipped them with custom keyboards. They had four keys above the numpad: one of these keys was Start Over/New Search.
Does anyone remember having used these terminals, and recall what those other keys were?
cnovels dw comm is live:
(it's also still very work in progress so apologies for ... birth pains? growing pains?)
I posted about brain cancer and hope to find people to pick up the torch on my accessibility projects that I think could help make the web better. I have a major surgery May 29th and time is short. I will only become less able.
Summaries and links can be found here: https://github.com/alt-text-org/in-need-of-adoption
I'm happy to answer any questions, or just discuss things, but I do ask that kind words on cancer not be posted here, despite my appreciation for them.
Boosts and sharing elsewhere appreciated.
💜 Hannah
Finally got around to posting my eclipse photos over on my Dreamwidth journal - forewarning, large images embedded in post etc.
Does anyone have tips on finding/vetting contractors for exterior house work? Particularly given I will do a lot to avoid making phonecalls. I have some rotted siding and trim that needs to be replaced.... was hoping I could wait until I needed to repaint, but the woodpeckers have left a hole :\
one of the coolest things about art is that one day someone might pick the thing you made up and go "what the fuck?"